next >
Text File
904 lines
Initialization file for JOE
JOE looks for this file in:
1 - .joerc
2 - $HOME/.joerc
3 - /usr/local/lib/joerc
FIRST SECTION: Default global options:
Put each option you want set in the first column:
-mid Cursor is recentered when scrolling is necessary
-asis Characters 160 - 254 shown as-is
-stacol Column number in status line
-starow Row number in status line
-force Force final newline when files are saved
-help Start with help on
-pg nnn No. lines to keep for PgUp/PgDn
-gtab nnn Default tab width for prompt windows
-nobackups If you don't want backup files to be created
-lightoff Turn off highlighting after block copy or move
-exask ^KX always confirms file name
-skiptop nnn Don't use top nnn lines of the screen
SECOND SECTION: File name dependant local option settings:
Each line with '*' in the first column indicates the modes which should be
files which match the regular expression. If more than one regular
expression matches the file name, than the last matching one is chosen.
Here is a list of modes which can be set:
-wordwrap Wordwrap
-autoindent Auto indent
-overwrite Overtype mode
-lmargin nnn Left margin
-rmargin nnn Right margin
-tab nnn Tab width
-indentc nnn Indentation character (32 for space, 9 for tab)
-istep nnn Number of indentation columns
THIRD SECTION: Named help screens:
Use \i to turn on/off inverse video
Use \u to turn on/off underline
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \i\uCURSOR\u \uGO TO\u \uBLOCK\u \uDELETE\u \uMISC\u \uEXIT\u \i \i
\i \i^B left ^F right ^U prev. screen ^KB begin ^D char. ^KJ reformat ^KX save \i \i
\i \i^P up ^N down ^V next screen ^KK end ^Y line ^TT overtype ^C abort \i \i
\i \i^Z previous word ^A beg. of line ^KM move ^W >word ` Ctrl- ^KZ shell \i \i
\i \i^X next word ^E end of line ^KC copy ^O word< ^\\ Meta- \uFILE\u \i \i
\i \i\uSEARCH\u ^KU top of file ^KW file ^J >line ^R retype ^KE new \i \i
\i \i^KF find text ^KV end of file ^KY delete ^_ undo ^@ insert ^KR insert\i \i
\i \i^L find next ^KL to line No. ^K/ filter ^^ redo ^KD save \i \i
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \i^KO Split the window into two. You can then use ^KE to load a file into the \i \i
\i \i new window. \i \i
\i \i^KG Make current window bigger ^KT Make current window smaller \i \i
\i \i^KN Go to the window below ^KP Go to the window above \i \i
\i \i^C Eliminate the current window ^KI Show all windows / Show one window\i \i
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \i ^K \\ repeat next command nn times ^G goto matching ( [ { \i \i
\i \i ^K SPACE show position status ^K- goto prevous place in \i \i
\i \i ^K [ 0-9 begin recording macro n position history \i \i
\i \i ^K ] stop recording ^K= goto next place \i \i
\i \i ^K 0-9 play macro n ^K, indent marked block less \i \i
\i \i ^K A center line ^K. indent marked block more \i \i
\i \i ^T X rectangle mode ^K; tag search \i \i
\i \i ^K ' terminal window \i \i
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \i Mode Settings \i \i
\i \i \i \i
\i \i ^TT Insert/Overtype ^TM Recenter cursor when it goes off window \i \i
\i \i ^TA Autoindent on/off ^TF Force final NL when files are written \i \i
\i \i ^TW Wordwrap on/off ^TH Display characters above 127 as-is \i \i
\i \i ^TL Left margin ^TN Show line number on status line \i \i
\i \i ^TR Right margin ^TC Show column number on status line \i \i
\i \i ^TP No. PgUp/PgDn Lines ^TD Tab width \i \i
\i \i ^TK Indent character ^TI Indent step column width \i \i
\i \i ^TX Rectangle mode \i \i
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \iSpecial search sequences: \i \i
\i \i \\^ matches beginning of line \\$ matches end of line \i \i
\i \i \\< matches beginning of word \\> matches end of word \i \i
\i \i \\? matches any single character \\* matches 0 or more characters \i \i
\i \i \\c matches balanced C expression \\\\ matches a \\ \i \i
\i \i \\[..] matches one of a set \\n matches a newline \i \i
\i \i \\+ matches 0 or more of the character which follows the \\+ \i \i
\i \iSpecial replace sequences: \i \i
\i \i \\& replaced with text which matched search string \i \i
\i \i \\0 - 9 replaced with text which matched Nth \\*, \\?, \\c, \\+, or \\[..] \i \i
\i \i \\\\ replaced with \\ \\n replaced with newline \i \i
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \i Hit TAB at file name prompts to generate menu of file names \i \i
\i \i Or use up/down keys to access history of previously entered names \i \i
\i \i Special file names: \i \i
\i \i !command Pipe in/out of a shell command \i \i
\i \i >>filename Append to a file \i \i
\i \i - Read/Write to/from standard I/O \i \i
\i \i filename,START,SIZE Read/Write a part of a file/device \i \i
\i \i Give START/SIZE in decimal (255), octal (0377) or hex (0xFF) \i \i
\i Help Screen turn off with ^KH \i
\i \i Joe Allen's email address: 'jhallen@world.std.com' or \i \i
\i \i 'rcarter' on the VWIS Linux BBS (508)793-9568 \i \i
FOURTH SECTION: Key bindings:
:main are the main editing bindings
:fprompt are file name prompt bindings
:prompt are other prompt bindings
:tab are file menu bindings
:help are help menu bindings
Use ^@ through ^_ and ^? for Ctrl chars
Use SP for space
Use a TO b to generate a range of characters
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F0 F10
for the corresponding termcap key sequence definitions
Simple macros can be made by comma seperating 2 or more command names. For
bof,bol ^T Z Goto beginning of last line
Also quoted matter is typed in literally:
bol,">",dnarw F1 Quote news article line
type ^I Tab
quote8 ^\ Quote Meta chars
type SP TO Typeable characters
quote ` Quote Ctrl chars
abort ^C Abort window
abort ^K Q
abort ^K ^Q
abort ^K q
arg ^K \ Repeat count
backs ^? Backspace
backs ^H
backw ^O Backspace word
bknd ^K ' Shell window
blkcpy ^K C Copy marked block
blkcpy ^K ^C
blkcpy ^K c
blkdel ^K Y Delete marked block
blkdel ^K ^Y
blkdel ^K y
blkmove ^K M Move marked block
blkmove ^K ^M
blkmove ^K m
blksave ^K W Save marked block
blksave ^K ^W
blksave ^K w
bof ^K U Goto beginning of file
bof ^K ^U
bof ^K u
bol HOME Goto beginning of line
bol ^A
center ^K A Center line
center ^K ^A
center ^K a
delch DEL Delete character
delch ^D
deleol ^J Delete to end of line
dellin ^Y Delete entire line
delw ^W Delete word to right
dnarw DOWN Go down
dnarw ^N
dnarw ^[ O B
dnarw ^[ [ B
edit ^K E Edit a file
edit ^K ^E
edit ^K e
eof ^K V Go to end of file
eof ^K ^V
eof ^K v
eol END Go to end of line
eol ^E
explode ^K I Show one window / Show all windows
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
exsave ^K X Save and exit
exsave ^K ^X
exsave ^K x
ffirst ^K F Find first
ffirst ^K ^F
ffirst ^K f
filt ^K / Filter block
fnext ^L Find next
format ^K J Format paragraph
format ^K ^J
format ^K j
groww ^K G Grow window
groww ^K ^G
groww ^K g
help ^K H Help
help ^K ^H
help ^K h
iasis ^T H Characters 160-254 shown as-is
iasis ^T ^H
iasis ^T h
iforce ^T F Force final newline
iforce ^T ^F
iforce ^T f
iindent ^T A Autoindent on/off
iindent ^T ^A
iindent ^T a
iindentc ^T k
iindentc ^T K
iindentc ^T ^K
ilmargin ^T L Set left margin
ilmargin ^T ^L
ilmargin ^T l
imid ^T M Center cursor when scrolling
imid ^T ^M
imid ^T m
insc INS Insert a space
insc ^@
insf ^K R Insert a file
insf ^K ^R
insf ^K r
ipgamnt ^T P No. lines to keep for PGUP/PGDN
ipgamnt ^T ^P
ipgamnt ^T p
irmargin ^T R Set right margin
irmargin ^T ^R
irmargin ^T r
istacol ^T C Column number on status line
istacol ^T ^C
istacol ^T c
istarow ^T N Row number on status line
istarow ^T ^N
istarow ^T n
iistep ^T i
iistep ^T I
iistep ^T ^I
isquare ^T x
isquare ^T X
isquare ^T ^X
itab ^T D
itab ^T ^D
itab ^T d
itype ^T T Insert/Overtype
itype ^T ^T
itype ^T t
iwrap ^T W Word wrap
iwrap ^T ^W
iwrap ^T w
lindent ^K , Indent to left
line ^K L Goto line no.
line ^K ^L
line ^K l
ltarw LEFT Go left
ltarw ^B
ltarw ^[ O D
ltarw ^[ [ D
markb ^K B Set beginning of marked block
markb ^K ^B
markb ^K b
markk ^K K Set end of marked block
markk ^K ^K
markk ^K k
nextpos ^K = Goto next position in position history
nextw ^K N Goto window below
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
nextword ^X Goto next word
open ^] Split line
pgdn PGDN Screen down
pgdn ^V
pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~
pgup PGUP Screen up
pgup ^U
pgup ^[ [ 5 ~
play ^K 0 TO 9 Execute macro
prevpos ^K -
prevw ^K P Window above
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
prevword ^Z Previous word
record ^K [ Record macro
redo ^^ Redo changes
retype ^R Refresh screen
rindent ^K . Indent to right
rtarw RIGHT Go right
rtarw ^F
rtarw ^[ O C
rtarw ^[ [ C
rtn ^M Return
save ^K D Save file
save ^K S
save ^K ^D
save ^K ^S
save ^K d
save ^K s
shell ^K Z Shell escape/Suspend
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
shrinkw ^K T Shrink window
shrinkw ^K ^T
shrinkw ^K t
splitw ^K O Split window
splitw ^K ^O
splitw ^K o
stat ^K SP Show status
stop ^K ] Stop recording macro
tag ^K ;
tomatch ^G Goto matching parenthasis
undo ^_ Undo changes
uparw UP Go up
uparw ^P
uparw ^[ O A
uparw ^[ [ A
type ^I Tab
quote8 ^\ Quote Meta chars
type SP TO Typeable characters
quote ` Quote Ctrl chars
abortpw ^C Abort window
abortpw ^K Q
abortpw ^K ^Q
abortpw ^K q
arg ^K \ Repeat count
backs ^? Backspace
backs ^H
backw ^O Backspace word
blkcpy ^K C Copy marked block
blkcpy ^K ^C
blkcpy ^K c
blkdel ^K Y Delete marked block
blkdel ^K ^Y
blkdel ^K y
blkmove ^K M Move marked block
blkmove ^K ^M
blkmove ^K m
blksave ^K W Save marked block
blksave ^K ^W
blksave ^K w
bof ^K U Goto beginning of file
bof ^K ^U
bof ^K u
bol HOME Goto beginning of line
bol ^A
center ^K A Center line
center ^K ^A
center ^K a
delch DEL Delete character
delch ^D
deleol ^J Delete to end of line
dellin ^Y Delete entire line
delw ^W Delete word to right
dnarw DOWN Go down
dnarw ^N
dnarw ^[ O B
dnarw ^[ [ B
edit ^K E Edit a file
edit ^K ^E
edit ^K e
eof ^K V Go to end of file
eof ^K ^V
eof ^K v
eol END Go to end of line
eol ^E
explode ^K I Show one window / Show all windows
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
exsave ^K X Save and exit
exsave ^K ^X
exsave ^K x
ffirst ^K F Find first
ffirst ^K ^F
ffirst ^K f
filt ^K / Filter block
fnext ^L Find next
format ^K J Format paragraph
format ^K ^J
format ^K j
groww ^K G Grow window
groww ^K ^G
groww ^K g
help ^K H Help
help ^K ^H
help ^K h
iasis ^T H Characters 160-254 shown as-is
iasis ^T ^H
iasis ^T h
iforce ^T F Force final newline
iforce ^T ^F
iforce ^T f
iindent ^T A Autoindent on/off
iindent ^T ^A
iindent ^T a
iindentc ^T k
iindentc ^T K
iindentc ^T ^K
ilmargin ^T L Set left margin
ilmargin ^T ^L
ilmargin ^T l
imid ^T M Center cursor when scrolling
imid ^T ^M
imid ^T m
insc INS Insert a space
insc ^@
insf ^K R Insert a file
insf ^K ^R
insf ^K r
ipgamnt ^T P No. lines to keep for PGUP/PGDN
ipgamnt ^T ^P
ipgamnt ^T p
irmargin ^T R Set right margin
irmargin ^T ^R
irmargin ^T r
istacol ^T C Column number on status line
istacol ^T ^C
istacol ^T c
istarow ^T N Row number on status line
istarow ^T ^N
istarow ^T n
iistep ^T i
iistep ^T I
iistep ^T ^I
isquare ^T x
isquare ^T X
isquare ^T ^X
itab ^T D
itab ^T ^D
itab ^T d
itype ^T T Insert/Overtype
itype ^T ^T
itype ^T t
iwrap ^T W Word wrap
iwrap ^T ^W
iwrap ^T w
lindent ^K , Indent to left
line ^K L Goto line no.
line ^K ^L
line ^K l
ltarw LEFT Go left
ltarw ^B
ltarw ^[ O D
ltarw ^[ [ D
markb ^K B Set beginning of marked block
markb ^K ^B
markb ^K b
markk ^K K Set end of marked block
markk ^K ^K
markk ^K k
nextpos ^K = Goto next position in position history
nextw ^K N Goto window below
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
nextword ^X Goto next word
open ^] Split line
pgdn PGDN Screen down
pgdn ^V
pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~
pgup PGUP Screen up
pgup ^U
pgup ^[ [ 5 ~
play ^K 0 TO 9 Execute macro
prevpos ^K -
prevw ^K P Window above
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
prevword ^Z Previous word
record ^K [ Record macro
redo ^^ Redo changes
retype ^R Refresh screen
rindent ^K . Indent to right
rtarw RIGHT Go right
rtarw ^F
rtarw ^[ O C
rtarw ^[ [ C
rtnpw ^M Return
save ^K D Save file
save ^K S
save ^K ^D
save ^K ^S
save ^K d
save ^K s
shell ^K Z Shell escape/Suspend
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
shrinkw ^K T Shrink window
shrinkw ^K ^T
shrinkw ^K t
splitw ^K O Split window
splitw ^K ^O
splitw ^K o
stat ^K SP Show status
stop ^K ] Stop recording macro
tag ^K ;
tomatch ^G Goto matching parenthasis
undo ^_ Undo changes
uparw UP Go up
uparw ^P
uparw ^[ O A
uparw ^[ [ A
complete ^I Complete file name
quote8 ^\ Quote Meta chars
type SP TO Typeable characters
quote ` Quote Ctrl chars
abortpw ^C Abort window
abortpw ^K Q
abortpw ^K ^Q
abortpw ^K q
arg ^K \ Repeat count
backs ^? Backspace
backs ^H
backw ^O Backspace word
blkcpy ^K C Copy marked block
blkcpy ^K ^C
blkcpy ^K c
blkdel ^K Y Delete marked block
blkdel ^K ^Y
blkdel ^K y
blkmove ^K M Move marked block
blkmove ^K ^M
blkmove ^K m
blksave ^K W Save marked block
blksave ^K ^W
blksave ^K w
bof ^K U Goto beginning of file
bof ^K ^U
bof ^K u
bol HOME Goto beginning of line
bol ^A
center ^K A Center line
center ^K ^A
center ^K a
delch DEL Delete character
delch ^D
deleol ^J Delete to end of line
dellin ^Y Delete entire line
delw ^W Delete word to right
dnarw DOWN Go down
dnarw ^N
dnarw ^[ O B
dnarw ^[ [ B
edit ^K E Edit a file
edit ^K ^E
edit ^K e
eof ^K V Go to end of file
eof ^K ^V
eof ^K v
eol END Go to end of line
eol ^E
explode ^K I Show one window / Show all windows
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
exsave ^K X Save and exit
exsave ^K ^X
exsave ^K x
ffirst ^K F Find first
ffirst ^K ^F
ffirst ^K f
filt ^K / Filter block
fnext ^L Find next
format ^K J Format paragraph
format ^K ^J
format ^K j
groww ^K G Grow window
groww ^K ^G
groww ^K g
help ^K H Help
help ^K ^H
help ^K h
iasis ^T H Characters 160-254 shown as-is
iasis ^T ^H
iasis ^T h
iforce ^T F Force final newline
iforce ^T ^F
iforce ^T f
iindent ^T A Autoindent on/off
iindent ^T ^A
iindent ^T a
iindentc ^T k
iindentc ^T K
iindentc ^T ^K
ilmargin ^T L Set left margin
ilmargin ^T ^L
ilmargin ^T l
imid ^T M Center cursor when scrolling
imid ^T ^M
imid ^T m
insc INS Insert a space
insc ^@
insf ^K R Insert a file
insf ^K ^R
insf ^K r
ipgamnt ^T P No. lines to keep for PGUP/PGDN
ipgamnt ^T ^P
ipgamnt ^T p
irmargin ^T R Set right margin
irmargin ^T ^R
irmargin ^T r
istacol ^T C Column number on status line
istacol ^T ^C
istacol ^T c
istarow ^T N Row number on status line
istarow ^T ^N
istarow ^T n
iistep ^T i
iistep ^T I
iistep ^T ^I
isquare ^T x
isquare ^T X
isquare ^T ^X
itab ^T D
itab ^T ^D
itab ^T d
itype ^T T Insert/Overtype
itype ^T ^T
itype ^T t
iwrap ^T W Word wrap
iwrap ^T ^W
iwrap ^T w
lindent ^K , Indent to left
line ^K L Goto line no.
line ^K ^L
line ^K l
ltarw LEFT Go left
ltarw ^B
ltarw ^[ O D
ltarw ^[ [ D
markb ^K B Set beginning of marked block
markb ^K ^B
markb ^K b
markk ^K K Set end of marked block
markk ^K ^K
markk ^K k
nextpos ^K = Goto next position in position history
nextw ^K N Goto window below
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
nextword ^X Goto next word
open ^] Split line
pgdn PGDN Screen down
pgdn ^V
pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~
pgup PGUP Screen up
pgup ^U
pgup ^[ [ 5 ~
play ^K 0 TO 9 Execute macro
prevpos ^K -
prevw ^K P Window above
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
prevword ^Z Previous word
record ^K [ Record macro
redo ^^ Redo changes
retype ^R Refresh screen
rindent ^K . Indent to right
rtarw RIGHT Go right
rtarw ^F
rtarw ^[ O C
rtarw ^[ [ C
rtnpw ^M Return
save ^K D Save file
save ^K S
save ^K ^D
save ^K ^S
save ^K d
save ^K s
shell ^K Z Shell escape/Suspend
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
shrinkw ^K T Shrink window
shrinkw ^K ^T
shrinkw ^K t
splitw ^K O Split window
splitw ^K ^O
splitw ^K o
stat ^K SP Show status
stop ^K ] Stop recording macro
tag ^K ;
tomatch ^G Goto matching parenthasis
undo ^_ Undo changes
uparw UP Go up
uparw ^P
uparw ^[ O A
uparw ^[ [ A
keytab ^@ TO
aborttab ^C
aborttab ^K Q
aborttab ^K ^Q
aborttab ^K q
arg ^K \
backstab ^?
backstab ^H
boftab ^K U
boftab ^K ^U
boftab ^K u
boltab HOME
boltab ^A
dnarwtab DOWN
dnarwtab ^N
dnarwtab ^[ [ B
dnarwtab ^[ O B
eoftab ^K V
eoftab ^K ^V
eoftab ^K v
eoltab END
eoltab ^E
explode ^K I
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
help ^K H
help ^K ^H
help ^K h
ltarwtab LEFT
ltarwtab ^B
ltarwtab ^[ [ D
ltarwtab ^[ O D
nextw ^K N
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
play ^K 0 TO 9
prevw ^K P
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
record ^K [
retype ^R
rtarwtab RIGHT
rtarwtab ^F
rtarwtab ^[ [ C
rtarwtab ^[ O C
rtntab SP
rtntab ^M
shell ^K Z
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
stop ^K ]
uparwtab UP
uparwtab ^P
uparwtab ^[ [ A
uparwtab ^[ O A
keyhelp ^@ TO
aborthelp ^C
aborthelp ^K Q
aborthelp ^K ^Q
aborthelp ^K q
arg ^K \
bofhelp ^K U
bofhelp ^K ^U
bofhelp ^K u
bolhelp HOME
bolhelp ^A
dnarwhelp DOWN
dnarwhelp ^N
dnarwhelp ^[ [ B
dnarwhelp ^[ O B
eofhelp ^K V
eofhelp ^K ^V
eofhelp ^K v
eolhelp END
eolhelp ^E
explode ^K I
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
ltarwhelp LEFT
ltarwhelp ^B
ltarwhelp ^[ [ D
ltarwhelp ^[ O D
nextw ^K N
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
play ^K 0 TO 9
prevw ^K P
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
record ^K [
retype ^R
rtarwhelp RIGHT
rtarwhelp ^F
rtarwhelp ^[ [ C
rtarwhelp ^[ O C
rtnhelp SP
rtnhelp ^M
rtnhelp ^K H
rtnhelp ^K ^H
rtnhelp ^K h
shell ^K Z
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
stop ^K ]
uparwhelp UP
uparwhelp ^P
uparwhelp ^[ [ A
uparwhelp ^[ O A
typeqw y
typeqw Y
typeqw n
typeqw N
typeqw 0 TO 9
abortqw ^C
abortqw ^K Q
abortqw ^K ^Q
abortqw ^K q
explode ^K I
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
nextw ^K N
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
prevw ^K P
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
retype ^R
shell ^K Z
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
typeqw ^@ TO
typeqw y
typeqw Y
typeqw n
typeqw N
typeqw r
typeqw R
typeqw 0 TO 9
abortqw ^C
abortqw ^K Q
abortqw ^K ^Q
abortqw ^K q
explode ^K I
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
nextw ^K N
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
prevw ^K P
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
retype ^R
shell ^K Z
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z